姓名:唐延林 | 职称:教授 | |
办公室:博学楼315-2 | ||
电话:085188165815 | ||
电子邮件:tylgzu@163.com | ||
研究领域:光电子学与光谱分析 | ||
招生方向:光学 |
唐延林:男, 1964年2月出生,湖南祁阳县人,中共党员,1985年6月毕业于湖南师范大学物理学专业、获理学学士学位,1985年7月参加工作,1991年6月毕业于开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)理论物理专业、获理学硕士学位,2004年6月毕业于浙江大学农业遥感与信息技术研究所、获农学博士学位,2003年11月晋升教授,宝钢优秀教师,贵州省优秀青年科技人才。现为开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)教授、物理电子学专业博士生导师、光学及凝聚态物理专业硕士生导师,教育部2018-2022大学物理课程教学指导委员会委员,第十一届贵州省物理学会副理事长,教育部光电教指分委协作组成员。
1. First-principles calculations to investigate Mg3XH8 (X = Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn) materials for hydrogen storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2024; 74: 372–383.
2. First-principles investigations for the structural, optoelectronic and hydrogen storage properties of double perovskite KNaMg2F6-xHx and KNaAe2H6(Ae=Be, Mg, Ca). International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2024; 61: 13-24.
3. First-principles calculations to investigate structural, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of anti-perovskite compounds X3OI(X=Na, K, Rb). Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2023; 22: 3245-3254.
4. First-principles calculations to investigate elastic properties, chemical bonds, electronic properties, magnetic properties, and phonon spectrum of CuNFe3 and CuNCo3. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2023; 26: 1798-1807.
5. An effective strategy of indium half-doping to stabilize the structure and improve optoelectronic characteristics of Tl-Co based double perovskite: First principles study. Results in Physics2023; 47: 106375.
6. First-principles calculations to investigate the structural, electronic and optical properties of lead-free double perovskites Rb2SeI6 and K2SeI6. Solar Energy 2022; 231: 236-242.
7. Identification of tea based on CARS-SWR variable optimization of visible/near-infrared spectrum. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture 2020; 100: 371-375.