





电子邮件:songhanfeng@163.com; hfsong@gzu.edu.cn




宋汉峰,生于197412月,博士,开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)教授,博士/硕士研究生导师。20067月博士毕业于中科院云南天文台天体物理专业,师从著名天体物理学家黄润乾院士。现为中国计算物理学会理事,中国核学会会员,国家自然科学基金评审专家,教育部学位论文评审专家,国际顶级天体物理杂志ApJA&AMNRAS论文评审专家,开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)学术学科带头人,开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)特聘教授等。主要研究方向为恒星物理,核天体物理,引力波源前身双星的结构与演化等。在密近双星结构和演化方面做出国际前沿的研究工作。目前与国际著名天体物理学家瑞士日内瓦大学天文系Andre Maeder 教授和Georges Meynet 教授合作研究密近双星中的元素混合,角动量转移,转动吸积星形成及内部元素核合成等重要天体物理问题。目前主持和完成国家自然科学基金3项,参与国家自然科学基金4项。主持完成省部级科研课题6项。主讲数学物理方法高等恒星物理广义相对论基础等本科生及研究生课程。迄今为止,共发表SCI等学术论文50余篇, 已指导硕士研究生18人获得硕士学位。












中国计算物理学会理事,中国核学会会员, 国家自然科学基金评审专家,教育部学位论文评审专家, 国际顶级天体物理杂志ApJA&AMNRAS论文评审专家,开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)学术学科带头人,开云手机登录入口,开云(中国)特聘教授等。


(1) L. Y. Zhao, H. F. Song*,G. Meynet, A. Maeder,S. Ekstrom,  R. Y. Zhang, Y. Qin, Q. Zhan, The evolutionary properties of the blue loop under the influence of rapid rotation and low metallicity, 2023, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 674, 92.

(2) W. G. Peng, H. F. Song*, G. Meynet, A. Maeder, Fabio Barblan,S. Ekstrom, P. Eggenberger, C. Georgy, G. Wade, Y. Qin,Close binary evolution based on Gaia DR2: the origin of late WC-type Wolf-Rayet stars with low luminosity, 2022, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 657, A116.

(3) H.F. Song*, G. Meynet*, A. Maeder, N. Mowlavi, Z. Keszthelyi, S. Ekstrom, P. Eggenberger, C. Georgy, G. Wade, Y. Qin,News from Gaia on sigma Ori E: a case study for the wind magnetic braking process, 2022, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 657, A60.

(4)  Hanfeng Song*, Georges Meynet, Andre Maeder , Weiguo Peng, Gang Long, Ruiyu Zhang, Sylvia Ekström,Cyril Georgy, and Runqian Huang, The Energy Transport Induced by Horizontal Turbulence in Rotating W-type W UMa Contact Binaries, 2020,The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 905, A39,118.

(5)已保留: Hanfeng Song*, Georges Meynet, Zhi Li, Weiguo Peng, Ruiyu Zhang, Qiong Zhan, The structure and evolution of single and binary Population III stars, 2020The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 892Number 1, A41,1-27.

(6) Tao Wu, Yan Li*, Zhen-min Deng, Gui-fang Lin , Han-feng Song, and Chen Jiang,Asteroseismic Analyses of Slowly Pulsating B Star KIC 8324482: Ultraweak Element Mixing beyond the Central Convective Core, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal,  899, A38, 117.

(7) Hanfeng Song*, Jiangtao Wang, Fen Song, Ruiyu Zhang, Zhi Li, Weiguo Peng, Qiong Zhan, and Jianghong Jing, The Evolution of Massive Close Binaries: Anomalous Relationship between Nitrogen Abundances and Rotational Velocities, 2018The Astrophysical Journal, 859:43, 113.

(8)H.F. Song, G. Meynet*; A. Maeder, S. Ekstrom, P. Eggenberger,C. Georgy, Y. Qin, T. Fragos, M. Soerensen, F. Barblan, G. A. Wade,Close binary evolution. II. Impact of tides, wind magnetic braking, and internal angular momentum transport, 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 609: 111.

(9) Y. Qin , T. Fragos, G. Meynet, J. Andrews, M. Sørensen, and H. F. Song, The spin of the second-born black hole in coalescing binary black holes,2018,  Astronomy & Astrophysics, 616, A28.

(10) H.F. Song*; J.Z. Wang; F. Song; J.T. Wang, The structure of critically rotating accreting stars, 2017, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 600: 19.

(11) H. F. Song; G. Meynet*; A. Maeder; S.Ekstrom; P. Eggenberger, Massive star evolution in close binaries: Conditions for homogeneous evolution, 2016, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 585: 121.

(12) H.F. Song*; A. Maeder; G. Meynet; R.Q. Huang; S. Ekstrom; A. Granada, Close-binary evolution. I. Tidally induced shear mixing in rotating binaries2013, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 556: 110.

(13) H.F. Song*, Y. Lu; J.Z.Wang, Wind anisotropy and angular momentum loss in a massive rotating binary system, 2011,Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 63(4): 835847.

(14) H. F. Song*, Z. Zhong,Y. Lu, Structure and evolution of rotationally and tidally distorted stars, 2009, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 504: 161~170.

(15) J. T. Wang; H.F. Song*; Z. Li, Modelling nitrogen abundances in the massive binary system, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 201760(5): 0595211-0595215.

(16) Ying Qin*, Yuan-Zhu Wang , Dong-Hong Wu, Georges Meynet, and Hanfeng Song,On the Angular Momentum Transport Efficiency within the Star Constrained from Gravitational-wave Observations, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal, 924, 129.

(17) Gang Long, Han-Feng Song*, Rui-Yu Zhang, Ying Qin, Liu-Yan Zhao, Shi-Tao Qi, Evolution toward the observational features of the stripped envelope type IIb Supernovae in the binary system, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2022, 22, 3.

(18) Gang Long, Hanfeng Song*, Georges Meynet,Andre Maeder, Ruiyu Zhang,Ying Qin,Sylvia Ekström,Cyril Georgy,& Liuyan Zhao, The Formation of the Stripped-envelope Type IIb Supernova Progenitors: Rotation, Metallicity, and Overshooting, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series,2022, 62, 2.

(19) Qin, Y. Hu, R. -C. Meynet, G. Wang, Y. Z. Zhu, J. -P. Song, H. F. Shu, X. W.Wu, S. C. Merging binary black holes formed through double-core evolutionA&A,2023671A, 62Q

(20) Qin, Ying, Wang, Yuan-Zhu Bavera, Simone S. Wu, Shichao Meynet, Georges Wang, Yi-Ying Hu, Rui-Chong Zhu, Jin-Ping Wu, Dong-Hong Shu, Xin-Wen Peng, Fang-Kun Song, Han-Feng Wei, Da-Ming, Searching for Candidates of Coalescing Binary Black Holes Formed through Chemically Homogeneous Evolution in GWTC-3The Astrophysical Journal, 2022,941,179.
